Saturday, February 24, 2018

Old Testament Lesson 10 – Gospel Doctrine

Old Testament Lesson 10 - Gospel Doctrine

Old Testament Lesson 10 – Gospel Doctrine

This is the next installment of the Old Testament Lesson #10 of the gospel doctrine helps class.

In this episode, we talk about Genesis 24 and how Isaac and Rebekah got together. It’s a great read. Take the time to read it.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any suggestions or questions.

Thanks for watching.


Friday, February 23, 2018

Old Testament Lesson 9 – Gospel Doctrine

The story of Abraham & Isaac is one that probably everyone knows.

It is important because it teaches us that all of us must go through trials and challenges.

In this video, I attempt to add some insight to this story.

I hope you find it beneficial.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Old Testament Lesson 8 – Gospel Doctrine

I’ve done another video about Abraham – lesson #8 of the Old Testament. I didn’t go into much of the details of the underlying content of this lesson. Instead, I tried to focus on providing additional quotes and insights from a different angle so perhaps you can include things different than you might find elsewhere. I hope this helps you with your gospel doctrine class.

Leave me a comment or question or other area if you want me to do a video about a certain topic of if you need help finding a specific reference or quote. Good luck in your class.


Old Testament Lesson #7 – Gospel Doctrine Helps

I posted this video on youtube on February 17, 2018 and I forgot to post it here on my blog. Here you go:

I hope if you haven’t done lesson #7 yet of the Old Testament that this will give you some insights and useful information.


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Gospel Doctrine Helps Introduction

This is the introduction video to the Gospel Doctrine Helps that I’m doing to help gospel doctrine teachers.

Please watch it and let me know your thoughts:


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Old Testament Lesson #6 – Noah

Here are my “gospel doctrine helps” for lesson #6 on the old testament.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below:

Thanks for watching.


Gospel Doctrine Helps

I’m going to be posting some gospel doctrine helps here, Let me know if you have any specific requests.

gospel doctrine helps
